A Lot Can Happen in a Year

A lot can happen in a year.  I used to think that was just a saying, something people said when you were wondering if things would ever happen, if you were impatient for life to begin.  It was always said with the sort of wistfulness of someone who has already had many full and changeable […]

Saying Goodbye and Saying Hello

It’s been a week since my plane touched down on British soil and I was home.  But with delayed flights, jet-lag and weekends away to pick up my much-loved pooch, it’s really only been a few days of being home for good. Saying my final goodbyes on 4th July was hard.  I’d be lying if […]

Almost home

It’s almost time for me to head back across the ocean, home to England.  But before then, we’re ending our road trip in a place that feels like home now:  the North Carolina coast. This isn’t my first time to the Outer Banks.  It’s my third, in fact.  And every time I come I fall […]

A Day at the Plantation

Taking a break from downtown Charleston, we headed off on a quick twenty minute drive to nearby Mount Pleasant and spent the day at Boone Hall Plantation.  After all, what’s more Southern than a plantation, sparkling white in the sunshine! For $24 dollars, it was a day well spent.  Unlike other plantations, the all-in price […]

36 Hours in Savannah

Before I head home to England, I’m squeezing in my Southern bucket list on a whirlwind Road Trip.  First stop: Savannah, Georgia. With just 36 hours in this beautiful city, I knew that while I wouldn’t see absolutely everything, I would probably see enough to fall in love.  I was right.  Even though Scarlett O’Hara […]